Four Cow Farm: Healthy Skin Care Products for Babies with Giveaway

…children. Fill out my online form. Terms and conditions: The Four Cow Farm competition will be judged on skill. The competition opens, Wednesday April 4 at 9am EST and closes on Thursday April 12 at 6pm EST. One entry per person. Entries will be judged on creativity and originality. There are 2 prizes to be won, with a total prize pool of $69.80. Winners will be notified via email. Entries remain the property of Mojito Mother and may be republishe…

Changing yourself for the better: most people don’t want to change

…onto them. Our stories need to change and evolve like we do. Change and be free to fly Changing yourself for the better Imagine if we held onto our six month old body, because we were frightened what our twenty year old one would do. Our twenty year one would have a completely different skin cell structure and would look nothing like our baby self- maybe a glimpse here and there. But it would be perfectly designed to deal with our adult lives. If…

What lies at my heart centre

…that I think I am special or enlightened or better than, I have just found ways to make things in my life work and I have found ways that don’t work and I can help others when they face similar crises or perhaps to avoid them. That is why we are all here– to live our purpose and to share and help one another live theirs. That is what I truly believe in my heart centre. And so each day as I wake up from this comatozed state I put myself into, with…

Saturday mojito with Lisa from Here I am Lou Lou

…the sea. (Erm.. and yes if you’re wondering I married late). And I have always loved the line from Kenny Rogers ‘The Gambler’ – “you’ve got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run”. What quote motivates or inspires you the most? Oh Caz, I’m a quote sponge – I cannot get enough of anything motivational and life aligning (I think I say in my blog bio – “anything motivational is my drug”). But this…

My 7 day Asian detox with Dr. Tickell

…email from Dr. John Tickell. Someone connected to his agent in New York recommended he check out my blog as she had seen me talking about his diet!!! I nearly fell of my chair and phoned Mum and Dad straight away. It was Dad who introduced me to his book. Dr Tickell and I spoke the next day on the phone. He’s just as lovely in person. Funny and straight to the point. We spoke a little bit about blogging, family and he told me of his new TV show a…

What to do with Mojito Mother?

…of happiness and gratitude. I am longing for the day when we have enough income coming in to hire a team to release a lot of the burden so I can be free to do what I want on this space… when I figure out what that is. I ain’t letting Mojito Mother go. I’m going to sit on her for awhile until I work out what to do. I like to sit on my problems and indecision. I trust that the Universe will deliver me the right answer when it is ready. I’ve been sit…

The Kraft Peanut Butter Challenge

…gar or salt, there are no colours, flavours or preservatives and is gluten-free. Alleluia. Kraft Peanut Butter is made up of at least 91% lightly roasted, no added salt and sugar, hi-oleic peanuts, which has a fatty acid combination similar to olive oil. Let’s hear it for our good fats! Peanut butter is healthy. TRUTH. I was happy peanut butter suited my conscious eating habits. I knew I could be passionate about the product and could share real l…