Mojo magic tips: 6 most powerful ways to use your mojo

…y new free email series. If you can stick with these 6 ways and be totally committed to them daily, you will change your life and create your ultimate dreams. I don’t doubt it for a second. This is where the true magic lies and it is you waving the wand. You wave it and the Universe says “Yes.” You just gotta learn how to wave it right. So come with me now. I am sharing the 6 most powerful ways for you in a 6 part email series. It’s easy to follow…

Happy 2013: what is your focus?

…back up flow of money. We are focused on bringing in multiple streams of income for our blogs based upon advertising, freelance content creation, own products, campaigns, and ambassador style projects.(You can hire me!) Now that we have our financial plan in order, we are thinking about investing again in the future. This time wisely! Home This is our major focus: getting a place of our own. What that looks like and where we are still working on….

My 7 day Asian detox with Dr. Tickell

…in Sydney for coffee or green tea in February. He sent me a copy of his latest book The Great Australian Diet Recipe Book with a 7-day Asian Detox.   It’s not just full of recipes, but common sense advice on how to eat like those from the East. The facts don’t lie: longest life span in the world, almost no incidences of diabetes and heart disease, and no such thing as nursing homes as the elderly are so fit and vibrant. I resonate with his thinki…

The effects of a family holiday to Thailand

…o and feta salad. I still felt the fullness of that meal 5 hours later. Welcome back to Western eating. I remember the readjustment well when we moved to Dublin after 6 months living in Bangkok eating a fresh Asian diet which kept me clean and healthy. After every western meal for a week I felt sluggish, full and slightly squeezy. I thought I chose well today with the salmon- gluten free and healthy, yet still the heaviness lives. My soul alternat…

Gratitude and happiness and recipes of the week

…y it is a weekly event, I just wish it wasn’t on a Monday as that is child-free work day. Would it be too much to request a day change? Empowering quote I loved this share by Go Camping Australia in the comments on my post on our fear of aging “Do not regret getting older. Its a privilege denied to many” Shopping at Costco I totally love Costco. It used to be a five minute walk from our apartment in Raleigh. It’s now a 90 minute drive. I drive the…

And then there was no credit card debt

…esigner wardrobes, or luxury holidays unless you have no debt or financial commitments. Celebrated every pay off. You gotta celebrate so you get more. Did not focus on the debt-obviously as I didn’t even know it was paid off. We set it automatic payments so I wasn’t focused on it. Get lower interest rates if you can. For our last card we moved the balance over to another credit card that had interest free for 6 months. And then Craig wiped it out….

What to do with Mojito Mother?

…of happiness and gratitude. I am longing for the day when we have enough income coming in to hire a team to release a lot of the burden so I can be free to do what I want on this space… when I figure out what that is. I ain’t letting Mojito Mother go. I’m going to sit on her for awhile until I work out what to do. I like to sit on my problems and indecision. I trust that the Universe will deliver me the right answer when it is ready. I’ve been sit…