When a Dream Comes True

…with the struggle. No. Not this time you don’t. I will not allow you to become a monster in my life and take away from me that which I deserve. You will not steal from me my dreams. You won’t make the tears I’ve cried, the sleepless nights, the playing full out to all be for nothing. It has been for something. It has been for this. My dreams, my purpose, my life. This is what I want to do. This is what I can do and this is what I deserve to do. I…

Should I use Controlled crying?

…to make it crystal clear for me what I needed to do in order to help her. Communicating her Tiredness And the crying part was nothing to worry about. It was just her working it out and communicating her tiredness. It wasn’t going to hurt her or affect her as long as she knew I as there beside her. The wail starts Really I know all this. It is the reason why I don’t jump and run straight away to Kalyra when she falls and hurts herself. I give her…

Digital Parents Unplugged: A Night For Bloggers, PR and Brand Relationships

competitive sporting match). The other thing I love about blogging is the community;it’s a community of like minded people who are fun and friendly. Digital Parents Unplugged was an opportunity for me to share what I have learned about blogging from my own generous mentors, to learn from many other seasoned bloggers and PR reps, and a chance to meet so many wonderful bloggers. Before I even arrived at the event, I met with Lina from Mothers Lette…

Love What you Do – Inspiration from Steve Jobs

…you Do “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do,” he told the Stanford grads in 2005. “If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.” — St…

When You Lose Your Mojo and the Lightness Returns

…e who have come alive.” – Harold Whitman My focus is now switching to just coming alive. I love hanging out with people who think in this way, as their joy and lightness gives me permission to do the same. It is accepting, kind and loving. I really don’t want to be any other way. I am finding my lightness again. I’m bringing just fun and happiness to this blog in the hopes that I can let my light shine in order to give other people permission to d…

Giving up the Scheduling for the Flow

…I am. It’s why I have never been able to hold down full time work. I’ve always run screaming from it in favour of the more temporary positions. That way I have a back door if I want to do something new. If I decide a move to Thailand is in order then I can do it. Some might call it irresponsible or Peter Pan living but I just call it living in the flow. I am sorry dear readers; you won’t get a lot of structure and stability from me. But, you will…

The I Have No Time excuse and what to do about it

…is a lot more. Man I can’t wait for those days. That is why Thailand is always an attractive place for me to live– no cooking or cleaning. —– I hear the excuse always with blogging. There’s only one of me, I can’t post every day, no time for social media. So often I want to call B.S. We have two children, we work jobs on the side, we run two popular blogs, we have two full travel schedules, we publish almost daily on both blogs, we guest post alm…