The Metamorphosis Update- Week 2- 3

…p with eating well. My healthy meals: Morrocan spiced fish and quinoa I am combining the basic principles of the diet, with some of the recipes, and with what I learned about eating from Dr. Tickell. I am being super conscious to make better choices when eating out and I’m drinking far less coffee. So I’d say I’m still making positive progress. The main diet principles I am working on are: Cutting out dairy, wheat and sugar. The only times I strug…

Craig is in The House

…out personal stuff on a woman’s blog to a female audience is WAY out of my comfort zone. It’s friggin SCARY! My comfort zone is travel To be honest, I’m not even sure who reads this blog but there are probably some people who I would rather not know some things about me. And, I’m naturally shy, particularly when I’m out of my depth and talking about deep and meaningful stuff. Shyness is something I’ve struggled with my whole life. I get uncomforta…

Starting our dream life

…an consult, coach, create content and social media campaigns and teach. Check out my hire me page. Let’s get the party started. P.S the knowingness of right decision continues. Since going full time we have had two freelance contracts come in, a contract extended, a speaking opportunity, a couple of other good opportunities, an increase in traffic and 1.7 million Pinterest followers. I love how the Universe speaks!…

What lies at my heart centre

…sal magic we can create the life we really really want. I’ve always been a searcher, a deep thinker, a scholar. I’ve dedicated so many years to learning from successful people, spiritual teachers and those I admire. I have committed myself to making my life count and so learning through endless lessons and tears how to be and do better. I’ve made monumental mistakes. Mistakes I have still yet to forgive myself for and I keep fucking up every singl…

Half the Sky: 3 ways to help empower women around the world

…s to most effectively use my voice to do this. I hope you’ll join me today in doing any one of these three things, or all of them to help empower women around the world and change it for the better. We can do this because we are powerful beyond measure. Let me know in the comments below how you have become more empowered in your life and how you intend to use your voice? I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions as it could help me to figure…

Amazement family fun captured on video

…my children every day. Amazing fun Savannah is a hilarious child who is a free-spirited wanderer with a very direct way of expressing her needs: a grunt, a wave in your face, a point or a gentle shove to get out of her way. She is also a really happy and friendly child who adores animals. Kalyra is such a clever and imaginative little girl. She understands a little of what we do and is always grabbing her camera to take photos, grabbing our camer…

Sometimes there are good reasons to break the eating rules

…ing changes this year have been to Eat very little pasta Try to eat gluten free as much as I can Cut right back on sugar Replace dairy with soy products Introduce more raw food into my diet No more than one cup of coffee a day and unlimited green tea. Have a cleansing day every now and then when I just have green juices and smoothies My only hassles with implementing these is when I am eating out, which happens a lot. I’ve pretty much eliminated a…