Feeling gratitude and happiness for health, finances, family fun

…e anymore. I’m doing what I love everyday and I am so grateful I’m giving away a car and get to be Oprah for a moment Well sort of. I’m part of the campaign that is. You can read more about it on Giving away a brand new Nissan X-TRAIL worth $50,000. Aussies don’t delay. So easy to enter and this amazing family vehicle could be yours. Our family adventures at TreeTops Adventure Park Kalyra blew me away with how she took on he high ropes challenge a…

How did I get here?

…by dreaming and then doing. I didn’t have to plan or strategize or find a way to make it happen. I just had to take action steps every day and willingly accept sacrifices. I just had to do backed by complete passion and submission. I had to acquiesce my life and myself over to what my purpose was. I said yes. And I kept saying yes even when it hurt, and when I didn’t want to do it, and when I had to stretch that comfort zone further and further….

Quad bike riding on Stockton sand dunes

…ood Charlotte at Luna Park. That was a cool date night. Seeing bands has always been one of our favourite ways to hang out. So far RedBalloon so far we have ridden a helicopter over Sydney Harbour. (I actually preferred this to the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb) And on Thursday we hit the sand dunes at Stockton Beach for some quad bike riding. We did our first quad biking back in May at Glenworth Valley which was totally awesome. Even though it was…

Confused frustrated concerned

…about will really happen. And that’s a dark, paralyzing fear I can’t ever come back from. Sorry for clogging up the positive space here with my shit. I don’t even care who reads it. Why should we? Why do we care so much what people think? We should be caring more about what our self thinks? I just need to get this out. To admit to myself my anger and to know that it is okay. It’s a letting go process for me. The clarity now is huge. I know what I…

I walked over piles of broken glass- meh so what?

…ings that are going to take us down, cut us, or even worse kill us. They become so real that we stop walking upon the paths of our destinies, choosing instead the perceived safe route, which really is no different to the route that is filled with fears. It’s just a shorter way and we gain more power by walking over the fears instead of around them. You can walk over the fears if you do it deliberately and gently and go deep within to that place of…

My EPIC fail before going to Problogger

…do this, we’d have to sell our own products to have consistent (I hope ) income coming in. Huh! Amazing what happens when your back is against the wall. I was suddenly busier than ever, yet still found the time to write the ebook. So much writing that it became too big and we had to split it into two books. As I wrote, all I thought was, “What the hell have I been doing with all my time for the last 8 months?” Busy, procrastinating, distracting wo…

The importance of self awareness

…hrough. I know how I am nourishing my soul and how it can help others too. The more I have the more I can give. The more those who don’t believe in me and what I am doing, the more that will leave and open up a space for those who do. The better I can serve. It’s about clearing away the thoughts and feelings, and people that don’t serve you and making way for the things that do. Stepping into empowerment. Self-awareness is the key to creating the…