Mojo Magic tip: Become friends with your emotions

…n has been right and has powerfully affected my life. Photo Credit: Meditation brings about acute awareness of yourself and how you are separate from your ego and emotions. But, it also teaches you how to befriend them. I am a huge believer in befriending your emotions, especially those demons. Never try to run from them or bury them. Don’t judge them, just accept them, welcome them and then give them…

The Universe speaks to me directly

…they will turn out the perfect way. If you release your control on the outcome, you welcome in that perfection and your open the senses to enjoy and learn from it. Loosen your grip and just enjoy the magic of the ride. I can feel this gigantic swirling pull happening around me. The Universe is at work, I know it, I just don’t know what it’s working on and it’s slightly killing me. How do you let go of the fear that surrounds the need to know what…

What would you like in a mentorship program?

…ose who do sign up under my link. I know that in doing so I will receive a commission, which comes at no no extra cost to you. Marie just passes over some of the cost to me. So instead of taking the money and running, I really want to give you something by way of appreciation. I’ve always wanted to step into coaching, but haven’t had the time (excuse or what?) to put something into practice. Now, I figure Marie has all the amazing info for you to…

Nuffnang Blogopolis- how I am applying the blogging lessons

…to work on, but have not yet started (still mulling on the ideas) Two new free eBooks for my newsletter sign ups. Creation of a travel guide and Mojo Making ecourse. Getting some traditional media coverage. I really enjoyed the Nuffnang Blopopolis event. I met some great people, ate some delicious food and learned a lot. Thanks to the Nuffnang Crew and Twinings for hosting a great event. You can download the speakers slides from their presentatio…

Highlights from the Problogger Training Day Event in Melbourne

…ghlights from the Problogger Training Event I spent a majority of the time coming in and out of sessions to feed Savannah (who was an angel) so missed a fair bit. Thank goodness or the #pbevent twitter stream which kept me up-to-date outside. The amazing community of people who were so kind and loving towards our baby girl Savannah. We can’t tell you how much we love and appreciate this. Love is so vital for babies to thrive and I’m sure she was w…

Keep Your Opinions to Yourself

…n that then we would all be doing the right thing and getting along.” I am compeltely fed up with people thinking they have the right to comment on what I choose to do with my life. It’s none of your business.         Kalyra keeping her opinions to herself           Here is the deal: I am a good person. I am friendly. I have good intentions. I like to help people. I like to inspire people. I like to laugh and have fun. I don’t much care what peopl…

Exploring the Path of Your New Career or Passion

…service, they really helping to change people’s lives. SEEK Learning is a completely free service. So if you are looking to return to work after motherhood or just want to find that new career path, I would defiinitely be turning to SEEK Learning for some assistance. Seek Learning Red Balloon Gift Voucher Giveaway Giveaway has now closed. Congrats to Tamara Childers our winner SEEK Learning is allowing me to giveaway a $200 Red Balloon gift vouch…