Stocklands New iPhone Shopping App and $100 giveaway

…ith telephone numbers – Centre information – Centre news – Shopping list – Discount calculator It can be downloaded for free from the app store here — Enter the giveaway by filing out the form below Fill out my online form. Terms and conditions: The Stocklands App giveaway will be judged on skill. The competition opens, Wednesday April 25 at 7am EST and closes on Thursday May 3rd at 6pm EST. One entry per person. Entries will…

You can be happy even when your life is shitty

…is what the idea of constant happiness conveys, or the notion of a problem free life. Perfection doesn’t exist. Being flawed is part of the human experience, otherwise we would have nowhere to move to. Underneath our human self, however, does lie perfection. It’s that thing we see when a sunflower follows the vivid orange sun to bed. We have that perfect side to us, but our humanity flaws it. The trick to life is learning how you can remove yourse…

The Metamorphosis Update- Week 2- 3

…p with eating well. My healthy meals: Morrocan spiced fish and quinoa I am combining the basic principles of the diet, with some of the recipes, and with what I learned about eating from Dr. Tickell. I am being super conscious to make better choices when eating out and I’m drinking far less coffee. So I’d say I’m still making positive progress. The main diet principles I am working on are: Cutting out dairy, wheat and sugar. The only times I strug…

Happy Birthday my angel Savannah

…s and I hope she can carry that spirit with her throughout her life. She becomes entranced and mesmerized when watching cultural shows we visit on our travels and adores animals. She freaks out at first bring her face in your chest, but then bravery wins out and she waves her hand to go pat. Mesmerised in Vanuatu She is a great communicator. I understand what she is saying through her hand gestures and bird-like noises. The greatest thing of all i…

Starting our dream life

…an consult, coach, create content and social media campaigns and teach. Check out my hire me page. Let’s get the party started. P.S the knowingness of right decision continues. Since going full time we have had two freelance contracts come in, a contract extended, a speaking opportunity, a couple of other good opportunities, an increase in traffic and 1.7 million Pinterest followers. I love how the Universe speaks!…

Please help me make Mojito Mother better for you- Take this survey

This year is quickly coming to a close and I am bustling like mad to prepare for next year. I’m getting organised and starting to plan more. I am intending for 2013 to be the greatest year yet! I want to make Mojito Mother a place that can help you to do the same. Sometimes I need to know what you want and what you feel will help you most. I have created a survey to help me gain that information. All I need from you is 10 minutes of your time to…

Mojo magic tips: 6 most powerful ways to use your mojo

…hange your life in my new free email series. If you can stick with these 6 ways and be totally committed to them daily, you will change your life and create your ultimate dreams. I don’t doubt it for a second. This is where the true magic lies and it is you waving the wand. You wave it and the Universe says “Yes.” You just gotta learn how to wave it right. So come with me now. I am sharing the 6 most powerful ways for you in a 6 part email series….