Memories of living in Dublin – happy times and fun craic

…e city offered me on my walks: Georgian homes, cobble stone streets, green common squares, crowded local markets and high end streets, and the Trinity College, The Temple Bar is the tourist area. It really comes alive at night when the pubs are filled with those on their bucks and hens night eager for pints of the black stuff, Irish music and a bit of Irish dancing. The Irish craic they call it, the good times. When I first lived in Dublin, pre-Cr…

Rock climbing out of your comfort zone

…her happy place, the blue rock. As soon as she reached there she’d ask to come back down. Each time, she went back up , I told her she needed to try and go one step more. It’s good to go to our comfort zone, but then we need to push ourselves just that little bit more, it’s how we grow. She didn’t have the confidence to do it yet, and let me know, by saying, “It’s my choice.” “You are so right.” She did however choose to climb the free swinging l…

A very kangarooey birthday

…as starting guffawing right outside our tent. Their laughter pried my eyes opened and the silence made me smile. Kalyra woke up and jumped out of her sleeping bag to give me a hug Happy Birthday. Savannah and Craig were still sleeping. “Do you want to come for a walk to the beach with Mummy?” It was only a 200m walk to the beach. We started down the track when I saw something at the end behind the bushes. “Stop, Kalyra, look!” A kangaroo stood scr…

How to turn comparititus into fuel for a rocking concert

…lking yet. Oh dear, my Ashley started at 9 months old.” Businesses amplify comparititus Having your own business will amplify comparititus and it will sideline you if you don’t learn to manage it. I felt the creep of this dreaded disease when Marie Forleo’s B-School free training series launched this week. I know what it feels to be at a place where your soul yearns for you to do more, but you just can’t seem to make it work. And then I know what…