Turning a Bad Day into Good

…ou do? Sometimes when you won’t listen and learn from your elders the only way to learn is the hard way. My walk home in the beautiful cool Autumn morning did nothing to relieve the impending guilt and sadness that started to overwhelm me. Kalyra was sad and cranky when I dropped her off, because I wouldn’t let her take her long-sleeved top off and her friend wasn’t there. I was tired and frustrated when I left. And now all I want to do is run bac…

Is Gratitude Too Touchy-Feely?

…g around people who hold this narrow and disempowering view on life? These comments coming from a person who I have not yet seen display one iota of gratitude to anyone else online. He only comments in places where he can argue his point, the point that makes him sound like he knows everything and has been everywhere. If anyone counteracts, respect is never shown for their opinion, again words are spewed forth to raise his expertise and God like q…

Are we confusing happiness with inner peace?

…ll always be there and you can handle and manage almost every emotion that comes your way. You can detach yourself from them and know they are just temporary. So while one minute I am laughing, the next shouting, the next pulling my hair out, the next embracing someone in a love cuddle or crying my eyes out with desperate unhappiness, I know that my inner peace will carry me through. I know that once that emotion has subsided another will come alo…

Pregnancy: Preparing for Labour Tips

…are the luckiest person in the world. This little angel who is about to become your child, chose you for the job. They chose you because they believed you were the best person to give them what they needed. What a miracle that is. It is these thoughts that make me so grateful, that help tune me into what needs to be done. I need to do this as someone else is relying on me to get it done in the safest, healthiest way possible. I’m grateful that I…

7 Things I love This Week

…nown Optus OMG!! I never thought i would ever say i love an Australian telecommunications company. But, I am impressed with their handling of a nightmare phone issue we were having with our Samsung Galaxys. We tried, unsuccessfully to get help via the call centre. I sent out a tweet sharing my disgust. The twitter help team picked up on it and gave us outstanding customer service. They have sent us two new phones to try out until August when we ca…

Is it the end?

…f teaching for me for good? Every inch of my body aches for it to be so. But, I know there ain’t no rewards that come from begging and wishing. They come from doing. And so now from my quiet, peaceful at-home-mummy state, I am ready to work my friggin butt off. To build on these blogs, to create ways for much needed income to flow to me doing what I love. The clock now ticks in a different way, for the challenge to create a lifestyle based on what…

Who Is Making Your Decisions?

…of improving on this. There have been a couple of instances lately where I have been waiting for others to make the decision that will effect the direction of the path I want to move in. I have decided that I cannot and will not let others get in the way of my dreams. So have taken ownership back of those decisions to find a way to make it work for myself. No one will ever care about you and your dreams like you will. It is time to take the owners…