Gratitude and Happiness This Week

…noon as I am feeling really down and funky. The way I generally feel after coming home from any form of travel, which is depressing in itself because how can I ever face a settled life if just a two-day weekend getaway gives me the return-home-blues. So let’s be grateful and celebrate the things that make me happy Precious Golf Lessons with Brett Ogle How’s my swing? I am not a golfer at all, but I could not let that stop me from getting a mini go…

Feeling gratitude and happiness for

…eek when I wanted to quit. Imagine is all I’ve been doing for years and it comes from my need to have freedom and desire to offer value. Thanks for keeping me on track Chris! Learning Photoshop ‘ve learned so much this week on how to use Photoshop and I am loving it. I have so much more to learn though and would love any helpful tips or points in the right direction to learn them! I was most excited to creatE this image. Even though it’s not brill…

Mojo magic tips: State what you want

…with a huge smile and boost of gratitude, fire the shutter down. With that freeze frame comes an intention to create, and the Universe gets to work and you start to suddenly do things that will make the magic appear. Soon you’ll begin to develop Midas’ touch: whatever you say will appear. For example my snapshot statements this past year have been. I want to do freelance writing (Within a month of saying this freelance writing opportunities arrive…

10 Simple Tips to Bring Couples Closer Together

…r partner, light candles or do something romantic. The key is to keep this commitment of doing it once a month. That way both of you will look forward to it with anticipation and who knows what creative ideas you can come up with! 8) Fantasy Both partners take a few minutes to write out their fantasies. Each fantasy should be written out on a separate piece of paper and folded. This can be done on the night of Communication if you want! Each partn…

One of my deepest desires has arrived

…family to go to Thailand before that happened. Of course Universal magic always knows the right way. Craig and I were invited to go to Thailand in February with Thailand Tourism on the same Friendship to Friend trip I attended last year. It was 10 days, happening 2 weeks after Kalyra started school, and the girls couldn’t go. Bad timing, 10 days is too long for us to both be away from them. Our hearts sunk a little. And then I did what I have lear…

The Truth About Parenting: It Sucks

…adly stand on the box and proclaim that most of the time as a parent, I am completely useless. I’ll never follow the manual–it’s too rigid and boring for me and I will always struggle to know what is right. Actually thank Christ I haven’t perfected things because then I’d have nothing to learn, there would be nothing for my girls to teach me. I’ll keep striding forth, because I am a mother and mothers do. Mothers have love as the central focus in…

Why I am not a fan of instagram

…ave been vital for forming relationships, getting to know people within my community, and connecting with brands and companies I wish to work with. REAL value. I love these two tools and taking my break made me realize they are both very important to my business and I love hanging out on them. I am pretty strong and can control my usage of them and not allow it to take away my personal time and the experience of now. Unlike instagram. I dislike it…