Horse riding in Centennial Park with RedBalloon

…puddles on the track. We spent the majority of the circle going out of our way to avoid them, which meant swiping me against tree trunks at times and creating new paths in the grass at the side of the track. I proved to be a terrible horse handler as she just would not pay attention to my commands to “Suck it up girl and get yourself dirty!” Centennial Park is one of the few city parks in the world that offers horse riding facilities. It was named…

Gratitude and happiness: Australia, family, new friends, school

…gratitude for this amazing online course I am doing and then confess I am way behind stuck on module one. I’m not stuck on it, juts had no time to work through it. What I have done so far though has been completely eye-opening. I have so much more clarity with the direction my businesses need to take. (Read my post on Everything is Figureoutable) T-QUAL Tick Race My T-Qual Tick racing buddies + a hot pilot This week I started the first leg of the…

Why I don’t care about government budgets?

…yself with knowledge and experience and I’ll seize opportunities. I have always had the attitude in life, even as a young girl, if I don’t know something I’ll learn it. I’ve had this strange need to make myself invaluable and arm myself with as many skills as possible so that I cover all bases. That way when the shit hits the fan thanks to government policies, and we know that is possible, I can go make my life better with my own skills and knowle…

When what you want arrives

…out it. (Since that story, I’ve had about 10 more tubes of BB cream arrive completely unexpectedly) Then the other day, the magic arrived by way of Huffington Post. I’ve wanted to write a post for their site almost since we began travel blogging. It is one of the biggest online newspapers and is pretty big in the travel space. I tried about 2 years ago, and my post wasn’t accepted as it wasn’t a right fit. I took the lesson from that and went abou…

The Money Project for soul nourishment

…te about creating something to do with natural disaster relief. My heart always bleeds for those who are affected by the earth’s natural movements. In just a matter if a few weeks I can feel a gigantic energy shift within me as I jump off the couch and lean into this life that I deserve and embrace money as a friend. I have a long way to go, but I am already seeing some huge changes from my focus shift and a few simple things I am doing. I’m kinda…

Cleaning is insanity

…id to you, “I need the paperwork that is strewn over my desk filed neatly away. But in two hours time, I’m going to have them scattered all over the floor again in complete disarray so you’ll have to refile them.” What would you say “You’re friggin crazy. Ain’t no way in hell I’m doing that.” So we’ve determined that I, and let’s hope you, are not crazy. We are perfectly sane. But what do we do about the mess that never disappears how ever hard we…

Back in the Pool

…hated the tediousness that came with swimming. I love the relaxation that comes with it. Little pain but great reward. “Just one more lap. you can do it.” Always my swimming mantra. Usually it pushes me to effortlessly make a kilometre, with barely a pause for a catch of breath. Today, I make half a kilometre, with plenty of pauses to slow down my rasping breath. I scare the man in the lane next to me as he also stops for air. He didn’t expect dr…