Should I let my daughter cheat?

…t. That positive internal motivation that keeps her wanting to learn more and succeeding more. Decision made. “Aren’t you so clever. Look how you remembered where it was. I’ll let you have this one, but remember you have to take turns and that was Mummy’s turn, but I really like the way you were thinking.” If I continue to install values within her in our everyday life, the play-by-the-rules morality code will shine through when she needs it more…

Today I was meant to have a baby

…gan to tremble. “Is there a problem? “I think there might be. I’ll have to examine you internally.” After further examination she turned to me, “I am so sorry but the baby didn’t develop.” Heaving sobs burst out from my chest immediately. “Why is Mummy crying, Daddy?” Kalyra was still waiting to see the baby on the screen and had no idea of the news we just heard. I had no idea what to tell her. “Don’t worry Mummy. It will be okay.” A little pat o…

Kalyra loves Coffee Shops

…Oops. When we are out for a walk she knows when we are a couple of blocks away from our local coffee shop and she shouts out, “I want to go to the coffee shop.” Well we sure don’t need our arms twisted and she is the boss after all. Yummy banana bread Sometimes I worry we are being bad role models and setting her up for bad habits. But then I think of how much she seems to enjoy just hanging out with Mummy and Daddy in that way. It is like one of…

Dreamworld Gold Coast: Where Childrens Dreams Are Made

…os and pet the cuddly koalas. Feeding the kangaroos Her new friend She was completely enthralled on Daddy’s shoulders as we watched the tigers leap around their enclosures, drink milk and climb trees. Tiger Island White Tiger Watching the Tigers Milk time Climbing for chicken No trip to a Child’s theme park would be complete without a couple of rides on Merry-go-Rounds, airplanes that look like Blues Clues, steam train rides, and swinging chairs….


…ut fear that the monsters hiding in the shadows are just waiting to steal away your joy. The only way for me to check if Kalyra was okay and staying with me was to listen to her breath. She was too little and bundled up to make any movements, so I would often lean over and place my ear to her mouth just so I could hear that tiny little intake that let me know that life was very much beating. That one tiny breath would in turn allow me to exhale a…

The sweetness and cruelty of Ducks Crossing the Road

…esky fly, smacking a biting mosquitio or terminating a dirty cockroach. Why is it that we feel okay to harm and kill these animals but not those that are a little larger and look a little cuter? Does it only become callous and cold when we kill them just for sport and because we have nothing better to do? One thing is for certain, human beings are the most complicated animals to ever try and work out….

My baby does not stop kicking

…this makes me feel comfort in being beat up. The kicking and tumbling is always embraced and welcomed as it lets me know my baby is growing and playing and enjoying the warmth of her cocoon. And it is her way of sending me messages. I knew when it was time to move from the slightly tightening waistlines of my pants to my stretchy maternity ones. She would kick and carry on a fuss until I undid the buttons and let it all flop on out. I know when I…