Bloggers, Brands and PR Relationships- A New Manifesto

…nd say you love and whose products or services you use and would happily recommend for free. Brands must make sure they do their homework as well. Research those bloggers who suit your brand’s message and purpose. It is better for brands to have one/two high profile bloggers who will represent the brand well than trying to give free stuff to many bloggers in the hopes they will give free coverage. Many of which are tired of bring expected to work…

Hire Me

…k 40 Smart Social Media Status Updates to make Fans Fall in Love with Your company with examples of how we engage our facebook community. Featured along with other massive companies like Google, Starbucks, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Smug Mug, Zappos, Target and more… Learn how to brand yourself and to make your community an interactive and engaged place for your customers to be. Learn how to do it right from the beginning. Blogger Outreach Consulting…

My Gratitude and Happiness this week

…ed the Live Aspire Blog event in Sydney. Founded by Ursula from and Jessica from, Live Aspire Blog is a networking event for Sydney female bloggers and entrepreneurs, or those aspiring to be. Each month they have guest speakers and this week my friend Christina from Hair Romance was sharing her blogging journey and wisdom so I went along. Love this idea from one of the sponsors Pen and Peplum I had a great time…

A Sugar Free Christmas Menu plan

It’s very exciting to be in complete control over Christmas this year. I get to prepare healthy, yummy food that I love. It’s far too easy to overindulge over Christmas and Craig and I are focused on good eating and reducing our sugar intake. We definitely notice the impact it has on the girls and no longer want to make choices that affect their well being in such a negative way. I was worried about Christmas. Chocolate and yummy food usually go…

The Universe speaks to me directly

…they will turn out the perfect way. If you release your control on the outcome, you welcome in that perfection and your open the senses to enjoy and learn from it. Loosen your grip and just enjoy the magic of the ride. I can feel this gigantic swirling pull happening around me. The Universe is at work, I know it, I just don’t know what it’s working on and it’s slightly killing me. How do you let go of the fear that surrounds the need to know what…

What is Naet therapy and how is it a natural allergy remedy?

…o helped cure her penchant for cigarettes. Within 3 days her cravings were completely gone. How Naet therapy is not more well known I have no idea. I’m still grappling to get my head around how this works, but I’m learning to let go of the need to understand and just rejoice in the magic of it. My treatment is opening my mind to the power of the body to heal itself and to talk to us. Yes, our body tells us what we need through various signals. It…

My EPIC fail before going to Problogger

…nd changed my blogging for the better. I am excited to see the next level it brings my business to this year. I am speaking too, so if you are going, don’t forget to check out Andrea, Christina and I speaking about our step changers on our blogging journey. And Craig is talking about building community on a panel too. I just won’t have a completed ebook to show you! (But you can sign up to this list to get access when it’s ready πŸ˜‰ P.S If you can’t…