Lessons learned from Losing my Phone at LAX

for me to practice who I really want to be. I am over the moon with the outcome, not just because my phone is coming back, but because it shows me just how much I have changed and how empowering it is when you understand you have the power to choose how you respond. Because I was not walking around with my bottom lip dragging the ground, my phone was returned with no loss of money. And I received a phone call later that evening with a new 6 month…

Caz – the Mojito Mother

…t want to live my life in any other way. It’s where I feel safest. Totally free and completely immersed in joy. I’m lucky I have a husband who feels the same way and two daughters who are proving to be just as in love with it. Travel Blogging and my work We travel a lot. I write about it a lot. Not so much here on Mojito Mother, but a lot on our third baby, y Travel Blog, one of the biggest travel blogs in the world . We’ve worked with Ford, Qanta…

Finding the animal magic at Australia Zoo

…ind of voodoo magic with those hands of hers. The animals seem to obey her commands to sit, walk or eat. (Just check in the photos below) Walk sheep walk I’m happy to report that the BIG W outfit the girls wore stood up to the test. They were bright and colourful so it was easy for us to keep track of our girls amongst the crowds. It meant the animals could see the girls and were attracted to them in the crowds. The croc during the show in the Cro…

Big W Photo Shoot in Clontarf Sydney and a $100 Voucher Giveaway

…the winner. Terms and Conditions of the giveaway can be found here http://www.nuffnang.com.au/terms-conditions/terms-conditions-big-w-giveaway/ To Enter: Leave a comment and tell me if you were sent to a deserted island to for a week and given $100 to spend it on supplies, what five things would you take with you. If you know anyone who is interested in receiving a $100 voucher then share this post with them. If you are new here you might want ot…

Saturday Mojito with Christina from Hair Romance

…Hair Romance. I used to hate my hair until I had a haircut that changed my life. I believe your hair is your best accessory. You wear your hair every day, and you should have fun with your hair. Facebook – facebook.com/hairromance Twitter – twitter.com/HairRomance Pinterest – pinterest.com/hairromance Instagram – instagram.com/hairromance So great to host you Christina and find out how we have so much more in common!…

How I want 2014 to be awesome

…vitality A huge focus this year is a return to exercise and healthy sugar free, gluten free eating. I’m back enjoying my morning yoga meditation ritual and I’ve now got a high speed blender with us on our road trip to focus on making divine food. 3. Create more products Now that I’ve written and luanched one ebook, I’m addicted. My next one, Step into your Sacredness, is sitting with the designer now, and hoping to launch on February 18th. Sign u…

Are you earthing enough?

…always supporting You know I believe in the magic. I love how the Universe completely supports you on your journey and when you set intentions and make commitments, doors open and messages are delivered in the most unusual ways. A good friend recently told me this quote. I always love to be part of the solution. When problems arise for me now, I generally sit and trust that the Universe will bring me the solutions, and it does because it knows tha…