7 Newborn Baby Must Have Products

…nappy bag, and clothes, which I am sure you knew about already. And the recommendations from the lovely mothers in my fanpage community Torkona Exon other than nappies, wipes.. bassinet for mum & dad’s room. Cant’ be away from baby for the first month at least 🙂 should be 6 months old when she moves out. good luck! Marianne O’Sullivan i found the swing/rocker a lifesaver, even if she is distracted for 10 minutes, itś enough time to brush teeth/ea…

Our Children Choose Us

…dren and parents. It is wonderful to hear that other people think the same way. Her comment was in relation to the upcoming birth of our new daughter Isn’t she clever- choosing parents that will love her. Craig and I also believe that our children choose us, just as we choose our own parents. If this is true or not none of us will ever know, but this is why I love thinking like this. It Holds me accountable Believing that my children choose me to…

When a Child Gets Sick

…basis but just some general symptoms that could also be a sign of cancer. Common Sense told me that it was probably just the onset of the flu and to play mummy nurse for awhile and should any niggling persistent motherly instinct concerns take over then seek a real opinion. One thing the whole five-minutes-of-fear experience brought forth to me was the absolute terror and agonizing pain a parent must go through whose child is so unfortunate to ge…

Things I love This Week

…sitive attitude and her support and encouragement of what I do here. She always has a positive word, story to share, or very helpful feedback. Dreams Coming True and Future Travel Plans I’ve had to pinch myself a couple of times this week just to see if certain things are really happening for us. Things we dreamed about years ago, but never believed that we would have the power to create ourself. Life is magical if you just let the magic into your…

White Miso Green Tofu Curry- I wow the Malaysian Kitchen judges

…sitting in my fridge. Yes, I do attempt to make these frequently, but I always end up disappointed by how far from the real thing it tastes, that it just sends me back to the frozen fake chicken schnitzels. I decided to let Adamm Liaw to give me a hand and teach me the right way to cook it, plus add a little flair to it. So enter White Miso Green Curry “A dish that is a Thai-Japanese mix. The miso works with the salty-savoury flavours of the curr…

I’m Over Being Pregnant

forward, I’m ready. I don’t feel I need to wait or crawl. My attitude is always “Let’s go!” But now I have to whisper the words, “Let it go.” It’s so totally not up to me right now. I feel like I have been pregnant forever and I am so tired. In a way I really have been pregnant for longer than most, for a year. Last year I was for three months, three long months of tiredness and nausea before we discovered there was no baby. Then it took a couple…