Hi Five DVD and Bananas in Pyjamas DVD Review

…r stick DVD’s on to keep our kids quiet. Mother of the Year goes to me. Anyway she is not quiet she is laughing and learning. That has to count for something right? The other fantastic ‘twice the fun’, DVD and CD pack, featuring the ‘Sharing Stories’ DVD and the ‘Spin Me Round’ CD that she has been given to review is the new Hi Five DVD I have a really positive opinion of Hi Five that was formed way back in 2003 when I was teaching English as a Se…

7 Things I love This Week: Reunions, Sleeping and Lighters

…he also wrote a brilliant article for Problogger called 7 powerful reasons companies will pay you to blog, which also featured us. Song of the Week- Lighters Bruno Mars I love Bruno Mars. Every song he comes out with is amazing, especially this on with Eminem Teaching Savannah to Sleep I’m not loving the whole teaching Savannah to sleep bit, but I am loving that she is starting to learn how. Who was it that made up the ridiculous phrase “slept lik…

Improving My Health

…h trying to improve anything. We have the goals, the plan but then when it comes time to putting it into action we let excuses get in the way. I will record my progression both here in the blog and on my fan page. I’d love for you, my readers, to check in with me every now and then, asking how the plan is going, either on twitter, facebook or the blog. Craig and I will be helping each other be accountable. He has a hidden six pack that he wishes t…

Zumba: Exercise the Whole Family Can Enjoy

…ur health. Instead of him going for a run in the rain, I encouraged him to come Zumba with me in the lounge room. Kalyra had agreed to join us and was going to teach both of us how to do it as she is the “dance girl.” I guaranteed him it would be fun and he’d get a workout, just like the days before children when we would run along the beach together, hike mountains, or I’d cream him up on the tennis court …. (stop snickering Craig!) Craig’s an ex…

Improving Relationships: Making My Marriage Better

…and truth to it. Like the 100 day sex challenge, the new couple’s therapy that seems to work tremendously and is all the rage! Maybe us women just like to complicate things way too much. Time to get back to basics huh? Sure is fun trying!…

Savannah Smiles

…t care less. I stare at Savannah, she gazes back and I can feel that smile coming again. Cheeky smile My heart lifts in anticipation and when her shoulders scrunch up and her mouth widens into a toothless grin, my heart bursts. It’s like we share a little secret that no one else understands. Just the two of us. With a baby, the smile is the only way they can tell you that they love you and that you make them happy. There are no words that are chea…

When Life Throws You Curve Balls

…t’s just life, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s up to you to decide to walk away with your head dragging along the ground or to step up to the plate and START SWINGING. There are three strikes in this game and I am not out of it. I’m going to come back swinging HARDER and FASTER than I ever have before. I’m going to scream, “Is that the best you’ve got, because it was piss weak.” Go on and try it this time. You’re allowed one curve ball, life. That’…