Saturday Mojito with Rachel Devine from Sesame Ellis

…the fact that life is not forever and we must use every moment in the best way that we can… Currently reading? A lot! Kindle makes it so very easy to satisfy my addiction to reading. I think I am in the middle of five or six different books at the moment! Your favourite travel destination? Iceland What does happiness mean to you? Happiness to me is my family being healthy and financially secure. What is the biggest advice you would give to your 21…

Gratitude and Happiness: health retreats, coastal walks and bike rides

…she could not stop beaming. Great giveaways I have a great line up of giveaways coming on y travel blog. This week we are giving away a Samsung Galaxy III. I am so disappointed I can not enter as I really want one of these phones. But you can! Just click on the link above. Watch out for a great camera coming and a voucher for Ziera shoes. Bouddi National Park coastal walk Bouddi coastal walk This is one of my favourite walks. We set out to do it a…

Mojo magic tips: Rituals keep us focused and connected

…grateful for and then I express my gratitude for the extraordinary results coming my way today. I then make my cuppa green tea and sit down and write. Green Tea ritual I do not log onto the internet. By the time 7am rolls around when the girls generally wake, I feel amazing. I have achieved so much. I am energized, refreshed, crystal clear and happy. I buzz around with them getting them ready for the morning and I do not feel stressed about all I…

I am an organised person

…esent. Which leads me to the next part of my organised self. I have almost completed all my Christmas shopping. Not just shopped it, but also WRAPPED it!! It’s amazing what the need for time out and a glass of wine will get you to do. I’ve NEVER done that before, I’m always last-minute mad Chrissy eve dash. I am so excited now that I can just enjoy the run up to Chrissy and spend time with my sister when she arrives from Perth next week. New mantr…

Dreaming of Disney trips to Florida

…the new balance, asks me how much it is, and repeats it as a mantra on the way home. “$446! Wow! That’s so close to Disneyland.” “You’ve more than paid for your ticket there now. If only Mummy and Daddy could save that much.” It’s all come about from loose coin collections and saving gift money. I can’t wait for the day we can actually withdraw that money, give it to her in a purse and let her walk up to the Disney gate to buy her ticket. “This is…

To be at my best for a better world

…dren deserve to experience the beauty of it and we need to stop taking it away from them. Taking it away with our drugs to hide the pain, the food that sickens, the weapons that destroy, and the words that hurt. If anything good comes out of this may it be that each person starts to be better. Let the lives of those little babies, who walked into school that day with a smile in their heart and a curious desire to learn how magical the word is, be…

Kids Audio books help develop the joy of reading

…ing before turning the page.” “I know Mummy.” Audio books are such a great way for children to learn the conventions of reading (Which I have written about here) It’s so important for children to hear others reading stories aloud so they understand fluency and intonation. Following along with the pictures and words and turning the page at the bell helps them to understand words convey meaning and there is a structure to books. I popped my head in…