Gratitude and happiness

…White, are both inspirational self love reads. Learning how to make pandan noodles with coconut milk. And you can catch me at Village Voices sharing 17 ways to find cheap accommodation, and 8 tips to prepare your child for school…

Mojo Magic tip: Notice the miracles

…o stop and look around you. Notice the flowers blossoming on the tree, the way the bees buzz around, and the cockatoos hungrily munch. Take in the vibrancy and be in awe of it. Pay attention to every step you take, notice how your muscles work tirelessly so that you can. If you have children, noticing the miracles becomes so much easier. The minute Kalyra was born, I realized what a miracle was: magic that happens so often around us. I saw the mir…

Four Simple Playground rules

…better, but you do. Do not stand there and smile and let them barge their way to the front. My 18 month knows how to stand in line so your 3 year old should. 2. Playgrounds are full of cool rides, like flying foxes and racing cars, which means lots of people want to use them. Don’t let your child hog the ride for 30 mins. Look up from your coffee every five minutes and if they are still racing down the plastic hill on a car, get up and go teach t…

A quick check in

…ate. I am working on fixing that. This little thing called time got in the way. Here’s what has been slowing things down. Sick children. Savannah had a stomach bug for a week. Kalyra got taken down with it for a day Mummy was wiped out for a day as well Sick relative Trip to Tasmania (follow y travel for the stories) My mum and dad who decide to have a life gallivanting across the country with Dad playing cricket for Australia. How dare they? Don’…

Mojo Magic Tip: Getting rid of your demons

…ing worse and worse and then having it come out in extremely dysfunctional ways. And those dysfunctional ways only hurt yourself–big time. Better to kick the demons out yourself. I asked a couple of people who I really trust and respect. I was happy to hear their perspective and it helped. Write it out Write out your hurts and pains. Sometimes just expressing them to someone else makes you feel better and less alone. Writing on this space helps me…

The art, science and passion of making great coffee

…s to keep my spirits high and bouncing through the day. If you intend to become a barista, then I highly recommend you do some formal training like this. As John told us, one customer can be worth $2,000- $3,000 a year, which is why you sometimes see cafes with lines snaking out the door. You know they have got the art, passion and science down pat. Places like Gloria Jeans, on the other hand need a complete barista overhaul. It’s scandalous to co…

Eggplant and chickpea curry recipe

…how it is one of my favourite vegetables. I first got into it in China–the way they cook it over there is truly divine. I actually just pan fried a bit of eggplant in coconut oil for lunch. Once again it was delicious. So this recipe comes from Recipe by Valli Little Eggplant and chickpea curry recipe Ingredients 1 lg eggplant 1 tbs oil (I use coconut or olive) 1 onion, chopped 2tbs curry powder 400g can chopped tomatoes 400g can chickpeas, rinsed…