Meditation Techniques: Mantras, malas and mandalas

…let it go and move on. Meditation Mantras Photo: Abby Lanes A very simple way to remove the thoughts from your mind is to simply repeat a mantra or phrase over and over again. The most well known is Om which represents the sound of the Universe. You can instead choose any word or phrases that are meaningful to you. The sound or vibration of the phrase will act as your central point of focus. Find your mantra, test it out to see if it helps to mak…

Sacred Step 5: Over commit to learning

…f time into learning so that I can evolve and grow myself and my business. Committing to success means you commit to doing whatever it takes to get there. Sometimes this means forking out money for courses, books, or even coaches. It’s not an easy decision to make especially when the bills are piling in and the income isn’t. As Benjamin Franklin says, I devote time daily to improving my mindset by reading biographies of successful people and divin…

How to create a magical life

…ntly change your life around and create it to how you want it to look. The free email series When you sign up to my free email series, you will receive an email from me every third day a simple and powerful tip for creating your ultimate life with a new tip an action step. Implement it every day and you’ll see your life change into what YOU want it to be. Open your mind to what I teach you and, most importantly, apply the tip to your own life. If…

Gratitude and happiness: B-School, Healthivate, Mox shoes

…been diving into the Macro brand and loving it. The bag was full of gluten free products that has been on my hit list. Stoked that I can now bake some gluten free cakes. Vitamix whizzed up some delicious green smoothies and I am doing all I can to manifest one of those horse powered blenders. They are AMAZEBALLS. Recipes of the week: Morning hash I’m loving just throwing together any veggie goodness from my fridge and mix it up with a cracked egg….

Want free accommodation? Win a Hilton Stay

…taken to measures like attending Time Share presentations, just to get the free accommodation. Thank you Turkey, Florida, Charleston and a couple more! Hilton HHonors the rewards program attached to the Hilton chain of hotels has given us 100,000 reward points to give away. What this means is you can choose how to use those rewards for accommodation stays anywhere you please. You could go all out and use all the points for 2 nights at their flashi…

I’m eating meat again

…I’m a fussy gluten-free vegetarian. Imagine if I stuck to also being dairy-free and sugar-free. I’m getting so sick of it that I’m just succumbing to the fact, I have to eat meat every now and then. This road trip is proving to be more than a little tricky. The other night, I had chicken and then sausages, purely because in the local supermarkets, there were no other choices for me. No kangaroo, no vegetarian gluten-free sausages, or fish. I’m kin…

A visit to a healer and I’m going gluten free

…e Christmas period, I was drinking more and eating richer foods, wheat was way more prevalent than usual, as was dairy. (I had an intolerance to milk when I was a wee baby!) I woke up on Boxing Day and my stomach was bloated, like nothing I have ever experienced before. It felt like a basketball was sitting inside of it. I was so uncomfortable and full of wind (excuse me tmi) I could also feel my food travelling from my mouth to my stomach. I star…