I have an insatiable appetite for learning and can always be found with a book in my hand or on Dr Google finding the solutions to all my problems. If…
“Look at this one Mummy! It’s a book with a CD and you put it on and it reads to you.” She was waving the Disney Princess story book at…
I spend the majority of my time writing on the web about travel. My greatest passion. Writing about travel has enabled me to give up the other hat I used…
Rhys Maston, last year’s Australia’s X Factor winner, sang to me on the radio as I was driving home from the movies with Kalyra the other day. Only 16, an…
I saw an ad for tonight’s current affairs special on Today Tonight. All about homework and the drain it is putting on family’s life, the raging debate over whether it…
Sponsored by Nuffnang I’m not even sure I can tell you what I dreamed of being when I was younger. The only vivid memory I have is sitting at my…
Being a teacher can often have heartbreaking moments. There are many children who cross my path daily, who are suffering. The suffering comes out in a lot of dis-empowering and…