Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway


Feel the fear and do it anyway

Holy Crap! What have I got myself into?

My stomach began turning into knots and rising up to my chest.

“How the bloody hell are you going to do this. You know nothing about this and you are going to look like a fool! You’re not hip or cool!”

My mind start frantically scrambling for a way out of my commitment.

It’s too hard with Kalyra… It’s Easter time… How am I going to find accommodation?…. I don’t have the right equipment…Maybe I’ll send the request form in late… or maybe there won’t be any space…

The desperation spiralling out of control until my eye of the storm was able to step in and settle it down.

Whoa.. Wait a minute girl. All you are feeling here is fear.

You are stepping out into a world is unknown to you. Remember, you have been here many times before. This is a good thing. This means you are growing into new horizons. You cannot give into your fear, you must learn to feel the fear and do it anyway.

This realization has not removed my desire to quit in just one go. Wanting to quit comes in waves, at times daily. But each time, I take my deep breaths, regain a little bit more control and put into effect the action steps that will help me gradually stretch the boundaries until I begin to feel more confident and sure that I can do this.

I’ve got three weeks. Three weeks until I come face to face Bob Dylan, Ben Harper, Xavier Rudd.. some of my most revered musical artists who have had a powerful impact on my life.

My hands turn sweaty and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth just thinking about it.

I’ve never done anything like this before in my life. A travel blogging colleague gave Craig and I media tickets to the 5 day Byron Bay Bluesfest over Easter. A festival I’ve wanted to attend for years to see Ben Harper and Jack Johnson. See them, I never planned on interviewing them. (except no Jack this year :()

Years ago while swinging on a hammock in Thailand, probably while listening to Bob Dylan, I wrote a wish list of dreams I wanted to accomplish-no limitations.

Meet Ben Harper sits on that list.

What the hell am I going to say to him?

I’m not a journalist. I’m a travel blogger. Sure, I’ve interviewed people for my travel blog, other travellers, but none the size and scope of Bob Dylan!!

I take control of my hyperventilating self to once again implement the action steps I need to follow to feel the fear and do it anyway.

Make a Commitment and be Accountable

It is so hard to back out of something when you have committed yourself to it. Don’t make the commitment solely to yourself. Sadly, it is to easy to quit when you do that. Make the commitment to someone else. Not only that make yourself accountable by blogging about it and sending out numerous tweets and facebook updates. Wouldn’t I look like the loser if I backed out now? Gulp

Call on the help of others

When you don’t know how to do something, ask those who do. I can’t tell you how many messages I have sent out to my network with pleas of help for this. “I have no idea what I am doing and am really scared. Can you help me?”

Many thanks to Positive World Travel, Beers and Beans, Gap Year Escape, my journalist sister Jenny, Travel Blog Success and our truly wonderful facebook community who have been shooting us so many question ideas.

Rope someone else into the deal with you

Obviously it feels a lot more comforting knowing that Craig will be by my side. I would definitely throw up on Ben’s feet if I was on my own. Having someone else with you is vital for that encouraging support. We’ve helped each other climb mountains, raft the world’s wildest white water rivers, give birth, and start a business, surely we can conquer this fear!

Know your Limitations

I originally wanted to video my interview until hives started to break out with the stress of planning this. I don’t have the right equipment, and even then I wouldn’t know what to do with it. I’d probably forget to press record or take the cap off or something. I could just see too many things going wrong with videoing the interview. I knew that was too far left field for me. Stick to what I know–the written word, which will be far more authentic for me.

Each day do something that moves you closer

Send back interview request forms, book accommodation, write out possible questions, research online.

Each day do something that prepares you for the eventual goal or event. This helps to make you feel more comfortable with the reality of what you are doing. You will arrive on the day with the feeling of preparedness and you’ll know exactly what it is you need to do and when


I’ve used this technique for many years, whether it be talking to a stranger, standing up on a stage to talk to hundreds of students or even adults, playing sport or writing blog posts. I take time each day to powerfully visualize myself in the moment over and over again.

I say my interview questions, I hear their responses, the laughter, I feel the relaxed ease and the joy when Ben Harper says he’d love for us to come and hang out at his place in North Carolina.

Focus on the eventual Benefits and Rewards

All of these steps may fail and lead me to the quitters bench. But there is one thing that will always keep you on the court.

The end goal or benefit that will come from feeling the fear and doing it anyway. This could be a huge opportunity for us. Not only will I feel comfortable interviewing big name stars and I will be existing in a higher comfort zone, but we just never know who we might meet or where it might lead. I’m sure there are not too many bloggers that can say they have interviewed Bob Dylan and Ben Harper. (Holy Crap, what am I going to say?)

So despite the many challenges that come with taking our daughter and babysitting parents with us to Byron for the Easter Weekend, and the uncomfortable fear I feel every day, I know that I cannot say no to this.

I know that when the time comes, I have to suck it up large.

Take a deep breath, walk confidently up to Ben, look him in the eye and say “Hi I’m Caz and this is Craig. It is so great to meet you.”

Hell, I might even give him a big bear hug!

Your Turn to Share Tips:

Do you have any tips or possible interview question ideas for this big scaredy cat?

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  • adventureswithben

    Research them all ahead of time. If you can impress them with your knowledge of them, they’ll see that and help you to be successful.


    • Caz

      I am starting to do that now, which is also helpful in giving me some ideas for possible questions. Although reading some of Bob Dylan’s other interviews makes me fearful of some of the things he could say that might go over my head.


    • Caz

      There is! A great book by the way.


  • Don Faust

    We all face these kind of irrational feelings, and most of it is based on not having done something enough times to have the confidence.

    I’ve often thought that if I went skydiving or something like that, every other fear would pale in comparison. So… do something that you are afraid of ahead of time.


    • Caz

      Are you trying to convince me to go sky diving?? LOL that would certainly take away my fear of speaking with these artists. I don’t think I would fear anything again.


      • Inge

        I’m sure you wil love skydiving! I’m very much afraid of hights, but I did jump too and I would love to do it again. It has helped me conquer my fear a bit too.


  • Tara

    Wow, what an incredible opportunity for you! I saw Mr. Dylan play at Walnut Creek summer of 1994. You could ask him what his most memorable venue was to perform at.


    • Caz

      Hey great question Tara!! I’m going to put that down on my list. Can’t wait to get this thing done and dusted. Dylan must have been awesome at Walnut creek- love that venue!!


  • Lorna - the roamantics

    LOVE that you have this opportunity! yeah caz! i’ve seen ben harper and bob dylan (separately) each a couple of times…amazing. i bet just writing this was a great talk down for you but if need be, just remember to take some big breaths from your diaphragm (old actor’s trick) to calm yourself right before, and remember in the end, they are “just” humans. really freakin’ cool humans, but, you know 🙂 you’ll be yourself and they’ll love you. cannot WAIT to read about it! go caz go!


    • Caz

      Thanks Lorna! Here’s to deep breaths and not tripping over my words in my haste to bat my eyelids 🙂 We have met Xavier Rudd before who is ultra cool and down to earth so I am pretty relaxed about interviewing him. My sister interviewed him as well and he really helped to calm her nerves. Hope they will all do the same for me. I can’t wait either.


  • Nicole

    You’ve got a great plan and great advice for others. And imagine how awesome you’ll feel afterward! 🙂


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